In this collection of engaging and entertaining mini-comic books, students share in the adventures of time traveler Scooter McGinty as he celebrates Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims, rides through Lexington with Paul Revere, joins Lewis & Clark's Corps of Discovery, supports women's rights, and more. Includes background notes and teaching ideas.
Customer Review: Kids love this!
I teach 5th graders S.S. They love learning history in comic book format especially my reluctant readers. There are 5 short comphrension questions at the end of the stories. This is one book I use often.
The Fisher Price Smart Cycle is a new innovation in indoor activities. It is a stationary bike, a gaming system and a learning center combined in one product. This interactive bike and game combo promotes both learning and physical exercise by guiding the child through various educational games. It can teach upper/lowercase letters, numbers and counting, spelling, problem solving, shapes, matching, and spatial reasoning. How great is it that you can now keep your child active even while indoors! This is especially ideal during the cold, snowy days of winter and the rainy days of spring.
A Hamleys Awards nominee, the Smart Cycle is no doubt going to be one of the hottest toys for this fall/Christmas season. It has also won the Toy Industry Association's "Most Innovative Toy of the Year Award" and was listed as one of the Best Toys for 2007 by The Smart Cycle requires 4 "D" (LR20) alkaline batteries that are not included. It also contains an extra long lead & height adjustable seat. It is designed for children over 4 years of age.
All you have to do is plug the cycle into your TV, and as your child pedals, favorite characters will lead him through games, exciting races, and one discovery after another in the huge world of learning. There are several levels of play for different stages of development. The Smart Cycle helps improve hand/eye coordination and helps youngsters develop their budding bike riding skills. The cycle includes a Learning Adventure game cartridge. Themed games with Dora, SpongeBob, Hot Wheels, Barbie & Dinosaurs are sold separately. You can use the joystick for a number of other games and activities.
The software works in three different modes. In the Explore/Encounter mode, the child can pedal through different settings and situations such as, Math Mountain, Shape Lake, Number Fields, and Letter Creek, learning along the way. In the Arcade Games mode, the child takes a break to play a game using the joystick. They may be taking a rest from the physical aspect of exercise, but they are still learning. The games emphasize important pre-school concepts such as letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. In Race mode, the child can race with other cars or engage in a timed race with another player.
The Fisher Price Smart Cycle has received many positive reviews from both retailers and consumers alike. In a day when childhood obesity is becoming a frightening epidemic, this product allows children to get plenty of exercise even in inclement weather, all the while learning important educational concepts.
Amanda Isbitt is a work from home mum of 3 you can view her website here Smart Cycle
Educational Toys
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